Death of a Flower

It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon-
The Flower-distinct and Red- (or pink my case)
I, passing, thought another Noon
Another in its stead

Will equal glow, and thought no More
But came another Day
To find the Species disappeared-
The Same Locality-

The Sun in place-no other fraud
On Nature’s perfect Sum-
Had I but lingered Yesterday-
Was my retrieveless blame-

Much Flowers of this and further Zones
Have perished in my Hands
For seeking its Resemblance-
But unapproached it stands-

The single Flower of the Earth
That I, in passing by
Unconscious was-Great Nature’s Face
Passed infinite by Me-

Emily Dickinson, 978, year 1864

Good-bye Bleeding Heart–though I did not know you long, I loved you well.


And, I don’t know if my Geraniums are actually dead or not.


I was told yesterday that here in Spokane, Zone 6, the rule of thumb is–Don’t plant until after Mother’s Day or when the snow on Mt. Spokane has melted.

My first loss. Have you ever had a particularly painful garden loss? The most painful for me would probably if I lost my Magnolia tree.

4 responses to “Death of a Flower

  1. Oh, yes, the loss of the baby dogwood tree that was given to me for Mother’s Day a few years ago. It bloomed for a year or two and then a disease took it away from me. What a sad, terrible loss!

    Monday, your dad planted the two hollyhocks we bought in Waitsburg on Sunday. He was so excited when I brought them home!! I hope they make it.

  2. I’m so sorry about your little bleeding hearts. Try again when the weather warms a bit more.

  3. The geraniums don’t look dead, I think you have to deadhead the spent blossoms though. A local nursery told me to pinch them off before they get to this stage, and the plant will generate even more flowers. I think they’ll perk up (hopefully) once the weather warms, too, and they like lots of sunshine. Frost warnings in CT tonight. 😦 They say here not to plant tomatoes till close to Memorial Day, but there’s no way I can wait THAT long.

  4. I belong to a large 34 year old community garden. The most precious loss I have had is the loss of my dearest garden friend, Cynthia who passed a year and a half ago. She was a great gardener (she worked at Burpee Seed) and great Garden Defender. She helped keep developers at bay and helped establish our garden as a land grant in perpetuity to the State of Pennsylvania. We have over 60 gardeners, a small orchard, 7 bee hives a small herb garden… right in the heart of the city, surrounded on 3 sides by row homes

    In our grape arbor her sister places a stone in remembrance.
    Inch by inch
    Im going to let my garden grow.


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